How to find information about installed memory on AIX

Below are commands and example output that will help you to find information about the installed memory in AIX


lsattr -El mem0

ent_mem_cap         I/O memory entitlement in Kbytes           False
goodsize       9088 Amount of usable physical memory in Mbytes False
size           9088 Total amount of physical memory in Mbytes  False
var_mem_weight      Variable memory capacity weight            False

vmstat -v

2326528 memory pages
 2238200 lruable pages
  206532 free pages
       1 memory pools
  736993 pinned pages
    80.0 maxpin percentage
     3.0 minperm percentage
    15.0 maxperm percentage
     3.7 numperm percentage
   84466 file pages
     0.0 compressed percentage
       0 compressed pages
     3.7 numclient percentage
    15.0 maxclient percentage
   84466 client pages
       0 remote pageouts scheduled
17965528 pending disk I/Os blocked with no pbuf
54090204 paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf
    2484 filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
       0 client filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
    2488 external pager filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf

svmon -G

size       inuse        free         pin     virtual
memory      2326528     2168842      194550      737381     3167834
pg space    1572864      912355

               work        pers        clnt       other
pin          623244           0        2673      111464
in use      2076306           0       92536

PageSize   PoolSize       inuse        pgsp         pin     virtual
s    4 KB         -     1448714      911955      161653     2447514
m   64 KB         -       45008          25       35983       45020

bootinfo -r


lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem

realmem 9306112 Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes False